Company Update
Gustaf Salford appointed Elekta CEO by Board of Directors
Gustaf Salford has been appointed to the role of President and CEO, effective immediately. He has been Acting CEO since early June 2020.
Gustaf Salford,总裁兼首席执行官

Elekta Studio *
我们很自豪地展示Elekta Studio - 让您释放出介入放疗的全部潜力!
Elekta Studiois a complete solution for contemporary radiation treatment. It provides you the images you needed for every step of the workflow. From insertion and planning to verification and treatment.
*Elekta Studio is comprised of multiple medical devices, some of which may not yet be available in all markets. Confirm availability with your local Elekta representative.
Elekta Harmony*
And to us, balance is as critical in the clinic as it is in nature
* Not available in all markets

Estro 2020.
请加入我们,为Elekta的午餐研讨会,来到美国养殖场,参观我们的虚拟展位,预订产品演示,并听取我们的总统。我们希望看到你 - 几乎 - 很快!

Leksell Gamma Knife® Lightning
我们很自豪地展示Leksell GammaKnife®Lightning* - 一种简单的解决方案,可以加速工作流程
Elekta新引入的下一代se optimizer for intracranial radiosurgery, that can reduce treatment delivery times up to 50%.
*Leksell Gamma Knife® Lightning is not yet commercially available. Elekta maintains supporting data on file.

Elekta Unity
elekta unity的三个原因是如此有用
由于Elekta Unity已经临床,我们收到了优秀的客户反馈。艾莉森树博士,顾问临床肿瘤学家在皇家Marsden和团队领导者在ICR的临床试验中, explains three key attributes that Elekta Unity fulfills:
- Precision
- Ability to monitor in real time
- 自适应治疗计划
Find out more in this video about how important Elekta Unity is to clinicians and patients.